Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weaponry throughout the Games - Miscellaneous

These weapons bring a little spice to the gameplay and you see things that not alot of Shooter style games offer....HUMOR!! The reactions you grab from not only enemy AI but to online players are hilarious and priceless.....enjoy!!

9.1 Stun Knife
Snakes famous knife that is with him everywhere, no matter the situation. Instead of the usual slicing and dicing this knife stuns and enemy and knocks him out, leaving him stunned. Hence the name!

9.2 Magazine
Empty magazine: Useless

9.3 Playboy
This magazine when dropped will distract all male enemies who come up and investigate it.They bend down and little hearts start floating above their heads and they dont get distracted unless bumped into for at least a minutes times. Hilarity ensues because you can get multiple enemies to look at it at once, which also makes it extremely akward when a bunch of dudes are all around a playboy......creepy.

9.4 Emotion Mag
A photographic magazine filled with pictures of the B&B Corps' members. Soldiers who look at them are said to break down and lose control of their emotions. Can be used to confuse enemies then ambush them or avoid them altogether. Though FROGS will not suffer emotional breakdown when they see the magazine, they will stand at attention and salute, giving Snake time to slip past. After finishing the game the pictures in it will change from just the B&B corp's beast forms to their Beauty and Beast forms. 

9.5 Mantis Doll
Has the ability to release ghosts. If a ghost hits a person with active nanomachines, it will allow you to manipulate their body and cause items to fall from their body. When activated, it will say "Blackout!" in a high-pitched voice, a reference to his line from Metal Gear Solid.

9.6 Sorrow Doll
Has the ability to release ghosts. If a ghost hits a dead person, it will allow you to manipulate their body. When activated, the doll will say, " sad," in a high-pitched voice, referencing the line used by the Sorrow in Metal Gear Solid 3.

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