Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More Flash but this time intelligent!

Continuing with the Flash them I got going on here is the "Decline of Video Games". A group of players that made a flash video depicting the way video games have been going. They make fun of such game series as:
Metal Gear
Devil May Cry
Alien Hominoid
Mario Party
Final Fantasy
Grand Theft Auto
Tomb Raider

Decline of Video Games

The second involves bringing the heads of the main contributors of Video Games out and fight with the three main characters (Dim, JT, and Dan). The three heads are Square Enix, Capcom, and Konami, they bust out all their fancy moves like Magic and the ATB system for Square playing off of their FF series. Capcom plays with the T-Virus from Resident Evil. And Konami likes to reference Metal Gear.
It gets funnier and funnier as time progresses with their wacky humor and crazy antics.

Decline of Video Games 2
Decline of Video Gaming 3

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