Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More Controversy...

SO you wont find this anywhere on the net but......apparently when Metal Gear Solid 4 came out, the American Media stations for a brief 15 min of fame talked about the storyline of MGS4. Since most of the game involved control and political corruption and genetics and deciept and plenty of other controversial topics they went crazy and thought that Konami (Kojima produtions mainly) was attacking the goverment. They believed that although set in a fictious universe the fact tha polictics played such a major role in the everyday lives of the people and how the wars and military were regulated for business purpoes and profit the media took defense and started to barrage the game with critisicm for his heresy against america. Mind you this didnt last long as news stations tend to denounce games as being lower then any other media on the market and so proceeded to "kick the dog" as it were to show that they understand that games are big with the ever growing youth and decided to (in my opinion) see if they cant attack it a little more and make it so that the gaming industry stay at the bottom, never to rise up above porn! (bad joke, referencing the fact that they look down upon things that they deem unfit for civilian consumption)

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