Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weaponry throughout the Games - Explosives

Pictures wouldnt really be able to do justice to just how many of these explosives there are. You have heard of these before there nothign new if you've played a couple of other Shooter style games. The list is embedded after the jump
8.1 Grenade
8.2 Petrol Bomb
8.3 WP G.
8.4 Stun Grenade
8.5 Chaff Grenade
8.6 Smoke Grenade
8.7 Smoke Grenade (Yellow)
8.8 Smoke Grenade (Red)
8.9 Smoke Grenade (Blue)
8.10 Smoke Grenade (Green)
8.11 Claymore
8.12 S.G. mine
8.13 C4
8.14 S.G. Satchel

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