Monday, March 22, 2010

Metal Gear Solid Sneakers (!)

So Peace Walker is becoming pretty famous and being heralded as the next installment of the franchise (as opposed to Metal Gear Raiden). This one is for the PSP and I guess that SONY has decided to do the right thing and give it some publicity after all! There are releasing a bundle later this year (June) for the all time price of $199
Apparently there are some extra goodies that are coming along with it like a voucher for an unknown movie that Konami may or may not be releasing in the near future. Some exciting times come Summer! Click the Source to read on.

Metal Gear Movie - HALTED

So as everyone knows, hollywood has been dancing around the whole subject of doing a movie for the famous "Metal Gear Solid" Franchise. However turns out that the movie has in fact been put on hold. Some are worrying that the creation of this movie would only hurt the franchise seeing as a movie is usually nitpicked for every little detail that may or may not be what originally happened (many movies that have been made from books are being treated like this). Although Sony Pictures is wiling to fork over 40 mill - 80 mill as a budget for the film although Konami Studios believes this amount would not be enough to accurately portrazy Solid Snakes Adeventures.


Monday, March 1, 2010

So, Im doing research on Metal Gear Solid and the series and what do you know? One of the villain's is already trying to take over the world!! Or at least create some havoc. The PSN has gone down Today (March 1st) and some people link it to Liquid Ocelot, Snake's big baddy in many of the Metal Gear Solid installments.
LINK to take over the world!!!

I'll be updating the blog to give a background on the plotline of "Metal Gear Solid" but for anyone who knows the series they understand that.....its not well understood. Too long a history and very convoluted. But its too fun to not try to understand.

Till Next Time